

I got my internet in my room to work!!! We don't have wireless in the dorms so I bought an ethernet cord for less than $2 bucks in the dorm convenience store!! At first it didn't work but now it does. I think my classes are going to be cool. It is sooooo rainy and humid. My hair is a frizzy mess. Earlier, I walked to orientation and it takes like fives minutes to get there, I was soaked to the skin from the rain. Just the rain. No puddles, just the rain. Crazy. My flight was good. Very long and awkward. I rode in a taxi from the airport to the school. They drive so crazy here!! I swear the taxi driver stayed at the speed of fifty or above no matter where we were. Anyways, I am going to take a nap now. I'll keep you posted.

Oh, the address here for letters and such is:

My Name
Office of International Affairs, Dankook University
126 Jukjeon-dong, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
South Korea
Postal code: 448-701

Love you all,

First Day in Korea

Hi everyone,

Today is my first morning in Korea. I forgot my cord to my camera so I guess I can't post any pictures. I am way upset about that. My flight was so long. I didn't get into to Korea until about 10:30. I don't what that is in US time but It's late. I miss everyone so much. It is very rainy here. It hasn't stopped raining since I got here. Well, I got to go eat breakfast with my roommate Leslie. She is from Florida and very nice. I love you all,



Beach Grandparent Night!

June 27 Me and my grandparents and mom and sister and most of my cousins went to Brookings for a couple of days. We stayed in this really nice house. The decorations were a little weird but other than that it was nice. It was fun hanging with my cousins who I don't get to see very often. It was nice weather most of the time. I had fun. Here are some pictures of the trip....

Nana With Her Camera (they are never separated)
A Self Portrait
Jeffery Being The Adventurer That He Is
Emma Playing Peak-a-boo
Joshua being his cute self

Josh Trying To Sand Surf
Nana Lounging
Me and Josh Trying to get the Surfboard back to the top
Amanda and Emma in the Beach House
Joey and I on the Way home